I proceeded to pick off the rest of the enemies and scavenged even more supplies from my kills. 1) this is a beta, the priority is to make sure that this mod is stable prior to any.
I had 1 guy (a tank crewman) left after his team was wiped out, I scavenged a sniper rifle but had no ammo I killed an enemy with a rifle by sneaking up and knocking him out then stole his rifle ammo. Copy files to (install folder)Fallout 3Data 2. Besides, why not outfit your own lone wanderer or courier or chosen one or vault dweller? I remember listening to the FO3 soundtrack while playing MoW a few months back. If you wanted it to be like Fallout instead of a RTS ripoff with no similarity to the original games, then you would want an inventory system. The mod manager guide uses the free ModDrop installer. No, but it makes more sense having to scavenge for items in a post apocalyptic environment instead of being supplied with everything through bog standard upgrades, it adds depth to the game. The following guides are designed to help you easily install Fallout 3 mods.